When I made the commitment to write Letters for Him, it was a self commitment. I did not make a “vow” to the Lord. To tell you the truth, I was afraid of vows due to the Bible scripture, Ecclesiastes 5:4,5. But I did set personal goals. It was a joy for me to write the letters. I prayed for the person to whom the letter was being sent and I felt God’s good pleasure. At that time, I had made the decision to hand write all the letters. I thought a person would be more likely to read a handwritten letter than a computer generated letter. My goal at that time was to write one letter a day, 5 days a week, with the exception of the month of December barring emergencies or illness or ?. I remember one day I was listening to a wonderful radio preacher who stated you should purpose to do something for the Lord everyday. A day should not go by that you don’t do something for God. In the excitement of the moment I made the commitment to send a letter every day for a year…no conditions! It was the closest thing to a vow I ever made (maybe it was a vow and I didn’t know it). In my case, this was a mistake. Something I dearly loved became a “task”. Some days I would come home from work tired and weary. I still had chores at home and before I could go to bed, I “had” to write my letter (50 minutes, tired or not). There were times my husband and I would go out and get home very late, but I could not go to bed until I had written my letter. There were days I was ill, but I had made a commitment…no conditions. I got through that year, but I learned something!! I will never do that again. Each year I set a personal goal. It is a joy to reach your personal goal for the year then surpass it.

Letters for Him Support

  • Help preparing your letter
  • Encouragement & Advice
  • Help where to get your cards
  • Posting any special responses you have
  • Sending you emails about success
  • Keep you up to date about Letters for Him
  • Answer any questions you have
  • Send you special reports by mail

Send us your name, address, and email to register

Most years I have been able to reach this goal, but not every year. If I became involved in a special ministry at church that took hours of preparation a week, then the letter ministry was set aside during this time. Remember, each letter took approximately 50 minutes to hand write. (Please note: I now have gone to computer generated letters that I send in beautiful Christian cards, but on occasion I return to hand written letters). There was also about a year that I did not have any type of ministry due to a surgery from a car accident involving my right shoulder followed by a serious illness and a second surgery. There were other times it was necessary I take a short break from the Letters for Him ministry. But once the situation passed that put “on hold” the letters, the Lord would tug at my heart to start again. It is truly one of my greatest joys. I know it is the Lords purpose for me at this time.

I would encourage you to make a self-commitment. I would also encourage you to set a personal goal, barring emergencies, illness or (?) If you just sent one (1) letter a week, you would impact 52 families in one year!! WOW!! FIFTY-TWO FAMILIES! If you decide to use a computer generated letter, this would take you mere minutes! If you decide you can send two (2) letters per week, your ministry could impact 104 families per year! Isn’t that amazing!!! How many Christians do you know that impact 104 families a year? In fact, how many churches do you know that impact 104 families per year!

The commitment and goals are also your choice. This will be “your” ministry, “your” decisions. The only reason I encourage self-commitment and goals is very little is accomplished without commitment and without a goal.