After you have decided on a salutation (Dear, Hi, Hello) the first part of your letter should be the introduction. In this portion of your letter you will want to introduce yourself. Keep it short. Don’t tell them your life history. Tell them who you are. You may want to use your real name or a pen name. One lady told me her name is so uncommon that anyone would be able to look her up in the phone book and know where she lives. Although she would use a post office box for her return address, the telephone book listed her street address. She was uncomfortable with this. I don’t blame her. Your real name or a pen’s up to you. Tell them a little about yourself...

The Introduction

  • Hello! My name is Jan Miller. I’m a resident of the Sherman area. I’ve enjoyed living here with my husband and family for about 8 years.
  • Hi! My name is Kerri. I am a wife and mother of 4 young children. I live in North Texas and am a stay-at-home mom.
  • My name is Ray Miller and I live with my wife in Texas. I own a business and am the editor of a local newspaper.

In your introduction, tell them why you are writing the letter. You may or may not want to tell them how you obtained their name and address. Again, this is your choice.

  • As far as I know we have never met. I’m sure you’re wondering why I am writing to you and how I obtained your name and address. Well, I picked your name randomly from the telephone book. The reason for my letter is very special – it’s to introduce you to the one who has made such a difference in my life and the lives of my family. His name is Jesus.
  • I’m writing you this letter because I want to share with you about someone who has made a big difference in my life. It’s Jesus. (I’m sure you’ve heard of Him!!!)
  • You do not know me and to my knowledge we have never met. I am writing to you to share something I have discovered that made a huge difference in my life. Something so wonderful and powerful that to not share it with others is unthinkable to me.

The Body of the Letter

In the body of the letter you may have two or three paragraphs. You will want to explain how you came to know Jesus. Please see the 3 different examples of letters written above. Look at the body of each letter. Now, how did you learn of Jesus? What difference has He made in your life? Write down a few notes. What would you tell someone if they asked you the circumstances that led you to Christ? Again, you want keep it to one page if computer generated and no more than two pages if hand written. You may want to include some scripture. The choice is yours. This is your letter. It is important to be kind, gentle and inviting. Your letter should be written with respect, courtesy and clarity – an invitation not an attack.

The Invitation of the Letter

After the body of the letter is completed you want to invite and encourage the person to accept Christ as their Savior. This is the invitation.

  • (Insert their name), if you know Jesus as your Savior, then you know the joy I have in Him. If you do not know Him, please allow me to encourage you to place your trust in Him and accept Him as your Savior too. He longs for you to invite Him into your heart and life. He loves you. He knows your needs and everything about you. He willingly died on the cross and paid the penalty for your sins so you could be included in His plan of salvation.
  • All in all, I want you to know that God loves you. He does. And you can know Him. You can find a firm, grounded, unconditional hope for living this life. It’s as easy as asking Jesus to forgive you of anything you’ve done wrong. The Bible says that if you say that Jesus is Lord and believe it with your heart, you will be forgiven . . . you will be changed . . . You will be saved!
  • So I’m writing this letter, not knowing you, but hoping that you will consider what God has to offer you. He loves you even though you may not know it as I didn’t know it. He doesn’t care what you have done and wants you for His own child. He has made it so simple to know Him even a child can understand.

The Closing of the Letter

You have invited the recipient of your letter to accept Christ. Now it is time to close. Your closing remarks should be short, concise, hopeful and again...inviting.

  • As I stated before, I don’t know you. I just wanted to share about my wonderful friend and Lord...Jesus. Thank you for taking the time and allowing me to do that. It is my sincere desire to be able to meet you one day in heaven, face to face. The choice is yours. I hope you choose Jesus. I will say a prayer for you toward that end. Until then – From a friend you haven’t met, Jan Miller
  • (Insert name), it’s so easy to discredit a letter from someone you don’t even know, but my hope is that you will not. My hope is that you will consider me as a friend you’ve just not met yet. And, most of all, that you will consider Jesus. Sincerely, Kerri Hamilton
  • If you are not a Christian by having taken Jesus as your own, would you consider that? I don’t know you and you don’t know me but I asked God to direct my letters to those He wants to receive itl I believe He does that. I believe you received this letter because God wants you to be in heaven too. I hope you make a decision for Christ and that one day we will meet in heaven. From A Friend You Have Yet to Meet, Ray Miller

If you need help writing your letter, then you can email us and we can help guide you in the right direction.