Three Sample Letters

Jan’s Letter

Jan’s letter is written by a wife and working mother of two married children. Her letter was developed through many years of writing letters for the Lord. She made several changes in it over the years but has not made any changes in a long time.

Read Jan's Letter

Ray's Letter

Ray’s letter is written by a man with business and professional experience. He was also a pastor for many years. He wrote his letter and made some tweaks in it one time. It has remained the same since.

Read Ray's Letter

Kerri's Letter

Kerri’s letter was written by a young mother of four children. She is a pastor’s wife, currently working on the mission field in a foreign country. Kerri wrote her letter once and it was just what she wanted.

Each letter is vastly different from others. Your letter will be different than these letters as your personal experiences and manner of telling about the Lord comes out in what you write. The Lord uses each of His children in unique ways and your letter will be able to influence some people more than the sample letters above.

Read Kerri's Letter

Letters Which Promote A Church

You will also note that the three letters do not mention nor do they promote a church. That does not mean letters cannot be used to promote your church but there is a reason these do not. Letters which promote a particular church or denomination may lead the recipient to believe the only reason you are writing is so your church may get some benefit from them and therefore they may not read your letter at all. They may see that kind of letter as being self-servant.

If you do write a letter promoting your church, that’s OK. A letter introducing your church to someone needs to have some changes from the general letters above. These letters should be directed to people who have recently reached some milestone in life; new baby, job promotion, death in family, birthday, or some other event. Letters from a specific church are very appropriate and well received at such times and can benefit your church greatly over time. You can get names from the newspaper, from others in the congregation and from among your friends and contacts.