A message from Jan Miller

I started writing letters for Christ in 1996. I worked full time. Between the job and church activities during the week and on weekends I had little contact with the outside world. Although I was not ashamed to speak of Christ, it was difficult for me to start a conversation with a total stranger and then work the conversation to spiritual things. At the time, I just wanted to do “something” more for the Lord. I didn’t want to just “tell” the Lord how much I loved Him… I wanted to “show” Him how much I loved Him. Before I made the commitment, I realized I would probably never know the results of these letters. That was fine. That was not the reason for the letters. I just wanted to share Christ. With that in mind, the commitment was made. I had been writing letters for some time, and then one day I received my first response. But then, it was like “a little window that God opened” to let me see some results of the “Letters for Him.” It was surprising and very encouraging. It deepened my commitment and resolve to continue the Letters for Him ministry. Below are a few excerpts from some of these letters…

Actual Responses to Letters

One of the first responses I received was from a mother. Her teenage son had received a letter. (Her son had his own listing in the telephone directory). She stated at first she just thought it was a letter from one of his girlfriends. She gave him the letter and he went to his bedroom to read it. Later, he came out of his room and handed the letter to her and his dad and requested they read it. They both read the letter. The mother ends her letter by stating…

“My husband and I had been praying for our son. We hoped the Lord would be able to intervene and reach him some how and then your letter came. For the first time, in a very long time, my Son wanted to talk about the Lord. He accepted Christ as his Savior. Thank you so much for writing this letter. I cannot tell you what this means to us…”.

Of course you and I both know…this was not me, it was the Lord. You see, I had no idea who this young man was, or even that he was a young man or that he needed the Lord. He was just a name in the telephone book. But the Lord knew…the Lord knew, and that made all the difference!

Another response came from a wife. She stated the letter they received was addressed to her husband. She also stated the day they received the letter was the very day they had returned home from the hospital where he (her husband) had been diagnosed with cancer. She wrote...

“…as you stated in your letter, it was the darkest and most hurtful times of our lives.” She went on to say she had been praying for her husband over 20 years. He went to church with her sometimes but never had accepted Christ. And then she writes: “After reading your letter he started crying and handed it to me. He accepted Christ as his Savior right then and there. He is going to be baptized in our church next Sunday.”

Again, only Christ could have done this!! Only God could arrange for this letter to reach this man on the very day he was diagnosed with cancer!! What a GREAT and WONDERFUL Heavenly Father we have!!!

I received a letter from a couple who had moved to San Antonio. My letter was forwarded to them. They state...

“We have some friends that we really like. They are outside of our church family. We have wanted to talk to them about the Lord, but was unsure how to bring up the subject. We did not want to scare them off. The day your letter came was the day they were coming over for dinner and games. After dinner, we said “You’ll never guess what we got in the mail today,” and we shared your letter. It opened the door. It gave us the opportunity to share Christ. We are going to take your letter to church. We think this might be a good ministry for others.”

I’ll never forget the day I received a phone call at home. There was a man on the phone who stated...

"I’m looking for a Jan Miller.”

I answered that I was Jan Miller. He then said,

“I’m looking for a Jan Miller who writes letters. Do you write letters?”

“Yes, I write letters about the Lord. Is that what you are talking about?”

“Well, I have a question for you? How did you know?”

“I’m sorry, how did I know what?”

“How did you know I prayed to God if he was really real, to let me know?”

Of course, you and I know that was the Lord! And that is what I told him. I explained I didn’t have any idea who I was writing to because the names were picked randomly from the telephone book. But God knew. God heard his prayer and God was the one who directed the letter to him. This man went on to tell me how messed up his life was and how he had ruined his family and they had no choice but to leave him. He stated it was all his fault. He stated he had been thinking of hurting himself. How could God possibly love somebody like him? I was able to witness to him over the phone. He promised he would ask Christ as his Savior as soon as we hung up. How amazing is our Lord!!!

Read the Interesting Conclusion