God’s Part Is Directing Your Letters

The Lord promises His Word will not return to Him without accomplishing His purpose. Only He knows how to direct a letter to just the right person at just the right time in their life to make the greatest impact. This is evangelism in its purest form. Bathe your choice of recipient names and letters in prayer and God’s purpose will be accomplished. We are not responsible for results (only the Lord is), we are responsible to spread His Word. The letter ministry does that.

Not All Are Equipped the Same

Some are given great eloquence and a great speaking voice. Not all of us have the ability to confront people in any circumstance. The letter ministry is such a comfortable way to tell others that God loves them and has set forth His Son as the only “way, door, gate, entrance” into heaven. So, for those of us who have been moved by a compelling sermon or have read the exciting episodes in the lives of the original disciples and wanted to do something great for the Lord but somehow thought we were not equipped for the pulpit ... this is it! This is the way we can all obey the Lord to be witnesses for Him.

We Live in A Different Time

Back in the 70’s it was easy to talk with people whereever we found them, grocery store lines, the neighbor next door, etc., people listened back then. Today, with the fast pace of life and the prevailing attitudes, people are often offended when they are interrupted about anything. There are exceptions but it is much harder to talk to anyone about Christ today unless a long relationship is first developed. The letter ministry overcomes that and reaches people in a different way ... and it works!

The letter ministry reaches people in their own home where they are most likely to read a letter which comes to them in a nice card and from someone they do not know but cares enough about them to write. The letter ministry is non-threatening, non-intrusive, and non-confrontational.

Reach Anywhere in the World

Letters for Him is a ministry through which you can reach people anywhere. The cost is the same to send a letter to New York or California as it is to send it to someone next door. Some believe it is important to send letters to those who live in areas not evangelized as heavily as the Bible belt or southern states. Also, the impact of receiving a letter from a far away place may be far more impressive than receiving one from the city in which the recipient lives.

All that is needed to expand your ministry to any city in America is a current telephone book for that area. All phone companies provide telephone books for any city. There is one caution though because the telephone companies charge a premium for this service. We have been charged up to $90.00 to obtain a phone book in this manner.

Some Chambers of Commerce will provide a free phone book for their city. The contact information for local Chambers can be obtained from the internet. You may have a relative, friend, or know of a church in one of these cities and ask them to send you a phone book. It is also possible to collect current phone books while on vacation.

You will need to replace your phone book every year to avoid high volume of returned letters because of people moving around. Changing to a different city each year may also be a good idea to avoid duplicating letters to the same person. It is time consuming to go through last year’s phone book and identify all those to whom you sent a letter last year.